Friday, February 29, 2008

Thermal Energy Drying Class Today

The office has just closed for the weekend, and its giving me time to reflect on a powerful presentation that I sat in on today.

John Otero from TES Drying Systems shared his experiences and those of leading restorers nationwide with Thermal Energy Drying. When first introduced just two years ago, there was a great deal of interest, and controversy, regarding this revolutionary way of drying.

Yet, as I listened to John and both the scientific data as well as real world experiences that he shared, I realized its not really "revolutionary". Drying with heat is something we've done in our homes for years. When we use a clothes dryer, we use heat to remove moisture from our garments, and we exhaust the humid air outside of the home, rather than to attempt to dehumidify it.

How simple!

I've been receiving some great pictures from clients who are realizing the benefits of drying with controlled, directed heat. I'll post some here soon.