Friday, March 20, 2009

Doing More with Less

In today's times, finding products that serve multiple purposes not only can save a cleaning and restoration company money, but it also reduces stress by bringing more simplicity into the workplace and minimizing complexity.

Over the past decades, product manufacturers often put multiple labels on the same or similar products to make training easier and to minimize label copy and sales support time. With a little time and attention, you can reverse that trend and begin to learn how to get more out of less.

One such example came to me just yesterday. A fire restoration contractor was asked to clean a home after a protein fire. He wanted a deodorizer to add to his cleaning solution that would counteract the odor, but had none in stock and had to begin the job that day. I discovered that he had Citrus Solv, which is used primarily to boost the effectiveness of carpet and fabric presprays. In this case, I suggested that he use it to boost the detergents he was using for both the hard surfaces as well as the textiles.

The solvent in Citrus Solv is also used in most protein odor counteractants, and with this knowledge the restorer was able to use a product that he had on hand, and that cost 50% less than would the specialty protein odor counteractant.

Ask you suppliers which of the products that you use have such multiple purposes, and begin to simply your work and save money at the same time.