Friday, March 6, 2009

More FAQ's

Q – Jim, Can I switch out Power Point liquid concentrate for Point Blue powder concentrate?

A - Yes. Power Point is a great easy to dilute, liquid cleaner. Point Blue, being a powder, is a bit more work to dissolve, but powders are always more aggressive cleaners, work better if the water is hard (such as well water), and can have better degreasing qualities where high amounts of petroleum or fat are present.


Q – Hey Jim, Could I substitute Power Break pre-spray for Traffic Slam pre-spray? -- or is it too strong for lighter commercial traffic?

A - Power Break is a very aggressive product that is used mostly on restaurant and apartment carpets. Traffic Slam is designed for the fine, oily particulate soils that make commercial carpet so difficult to clean. You can use these products interchangeably, but you'll find with Traffic Slam you'll have less chance of wicking on your commercial glue down carpet. Most of your decision should work around the type of work you do more often: Greasy food service and rental property or commercial carpet subject to normal traffic and spills.