Monday, June 9, 2008

Area Rug Opportunities, Part II

In my last post I discussed the growing opportunity in cleaning area rugs, especially as it parallels the growth of hard floor surfaces in homes.

Once you decide that you would like to expand your services into this growing market, you now have to mak this decision:

Will I clean area rugs in place, in the home, just like I clean wall to wall carpet?

Or will I set up a small in plant operation with the understanding it will require an investment in overhead, specialty equipment and tools, and training?

It would be unfair to suggest that cleaners are not able to "do something" to area rugs in homes; its been done for years. However, every time that a delicate area rug is cleaned in this fashion, the cleaner is either undercleaning the rug or taking a considerable risk in damaging the rug, or the flooring below it.

Area rugs are best cleaned in an environment that can allow for better dry soil removal, more complete flushing of the rug itelf, and more controlled drying than can possibly be done in the home. The advantages of cleaning rugs in this fashion are many, and the ability to charge a fair price for this far better service is not difficult.