The most important tools to enter our industry have been “sub surface extraction tools”, such as the Water Claw and Flash Extractor. With proper use of these tools, heavy spills that create wicking, as well as odor causing urine contamination, can often be removed from carpet and carpet cushion without the need to disengage the carpet.
Is It Magic?
Unfortunately, as with most new tools, many cleaners feel the tool alone is the answer. I recently received a question about urine odor treatment where the cleaner treated the urine odor with a high quality deodorizer, but not a product designed to remove urine contamination.
Even though he used the tool properly, the lack of using the right product resulted in failure to remove the odor.
When it makes sense to remove deep urine contamination by using the advantages of subsurface extraction, the product that you use is critical.
Remember These Facts:
- A conventional deodorizer works on odor, but does not remove the source.
- An enzyme deodorizer may remove the source, but requires hours if not days to work.
- The best product to use is one that using oxidation, such as Pet Zone or Occelerate.
- These products work much like the non chlorine oxidizing boosters you might be using to boost carpet or upholstery pre-sprays, but also have an additive that makes them work MUCH quicker!
Pour the product liberally on the affected area, then extract with the subsurface extraction tool (Spot Lifter or Flash Extractor).
You will see yellow foam, then just foam, and after another application or two, you can use water and rinse till clear.
NOTE: DO NOT use this method when you have wood subfloor without pulling back the carpet and pad and placing plastic underneath. If you are working over concrete, no protection is necessary.