Friday, February 5, 2010

FAQs - Mattress Topper with Black Spot On It

Hey Jim, sorry I missed you.

I need some cleaning tips RE: A mattress topper with black spot on it . . .

This high loft mattress topper (2" loft) has polyester stuffing and a cotton cover. It has some black spots from moisture on the underside.

Doesn't look like we can fit it in a washer even at a laundromat.

Would a bleach/water prespray help?

Is chlorine bleach any safer than Stain Magic on cotton in addressing the mildew or black spots?

Thanks Jim


Any bleaching agent will weaken cotton. The black spots are likely an evidence of damage to the fiber already, so you must advise your customer than any further cleaning (with or without bleaching) will weaken the fabric further. I would not use anything except Boost All or Oxy Plus in your pre-conditioner. At use dilutions they will produce the equivalent of 3% peroxide, which is safe on cotton.

PS - Do not promise your customer much in the way of results

Also, I might add, that another positive thing about the powdered oxidizers (like Oxy Plus and Boost All) is that they are stable until diluted in water and are then at their maximum effectiveness.

The liquid peroxide spotting agents such as found in products like Stain Magic and Stain Zone are ready to use and easy to apply, but you can't always be sure just how strong your solution is based on its age and how much excessive heat or light it has been exposed to in your truck!


Hey Jim,

Thanks for the reminder about Oxy Plus. Anymore we are quick to grab Stain Magic or Stain Zone.

And I also understand about the "promise" thing.

Thanks for your help Jim