Friday, May 28, 2010

FYI - Hidden in the Ductwork

FYI - Hey Jim . . .

I just cleaned the ducts in a house I was preparing for a new tenant - and was I ever shocked! OH MY! I had cleaned the ducts last year as a practice job, so I had no idea I would find anything amiss.

However, after the practice job last year, I let a contractor into the house to do some remodeling. I felt it would make the house a better rental unit. But, what a mess he left hidden in the ductwork!

I guess registers make good dust pans when nobody is looking! It was a good training for my new employee. He had to make 3 passes in one duct!

The insulation pieces were flying around in the clear view vac box like crazy. Fun to watch, but certainly made me angry.

(People enjoy seeing the junk coming out of their ducts. Makes them feel the money is well spent, but this didn't make me too happy.)

Any how, he removed nails, saw dust, and even wood chunks. The filters in the system were plugged solid! Even a couple dead mice. Must have gone in there after some food they swept in there.

Dead though....hmm. Contaminated ducts must not be good for mice either!