Friday, October 22, 2010

Freeze Warning!

As we move toward the end of October, temperatures in the the northern part of the US and all of Canada will begin to drop below freezing at night, and in the next couple of months perhaps during the day. Cleaners are aware of the need to protect their equipment during this season, but often overlook the damage that freezing might do to their cleaning products.

While most products will work as well after freezing if they are thawed out, there are a few categories that may be permanently damaged if left out in the cold overnight. These includes:

Some of these products, especially protectors, are sold as "freeze/thaw stable", but most are not. Leaving such products in an unheated vehicle overnight when temperatures go below freezing risks a loss of the product's performance.

Even though most other cleaning and spotting products do not lose effectiveness when frozen, the fact that you'd start your day trying to pour a frozen bottle of prespray (as an example) into a measuring cup is not likely going to be pleasant or productive for you.

If you cannot store your vehicle in a heated garage overnight, remove all of your cleaning agents and other treatments and bring them inside for the night. It will protect those very important (and expensive) protectors, deodorizers and floor finishes. It will also make the use of all of your other products easier and less annoying while you cope with the unavoidable annoyances cold weather brings to us all.