Friday, November 13, 2009

FAQs - Encapuguard

Q - Jim,

Looking at the EncapuGuard directions. It says to simply spray it on after HWE to help control wicking and resoiling. Jim, that just sounds too easy to me!

Any first hand experience or actual use testimonials on this product?

I have been pondering carrying a buffer to encap all berbers, especially light colored ones. Of course space and one man lugging a heavy piece of equipment around in case he encounters a white berber are also considerations.

Berbers have been a more frequent nuisance of late, and encapping has been our "go to" for correction; but it would be nice to head these things off without the nuisance and embarrassment of a phone call and reservice.

Any thoughts?

A - Hi John

No testimonials come to mind, but there have been no complaints from anyone I've recommended it to.

EncapuGuard is ideal for the situations you describe. It also contains some organic acid to prevent yellowing, and it also acts as a soil retardant.

The product has been routinely used since it was introduced as a post spray on all olefin berbers, especially heavily soiled ones, and on stairs.

Some cleaners charge for "soil retardant" when they apply it, others, such as yourself, simply build it into the cost of cleaning those carpets.

Its great to have a product that not only prevents an annoying and costly re-service, but also enhances the performance of your customer's carpet afterward.


Alonzo said...


I am very interested in incorporating encapuguard into my cleaning process. My question is, when carpet protection will be applied. Should encapuguard be applied before or after carpet protector if at all.
